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Ewaluacja projektu eTwinning ''What's new about the news?''

Ewaluacja projektu eTwinning ''What's new about the news?''

Kilkumiesięczna współpraca nad projektem "What's new about the news?" między trzema szkołami partnerskimi z Francji, Hiszpanii i Polski dobiegła końca. Opublikowaliśmy już rezultat projektu w postaci międzyanrodowego magazynu, a teraz nadszedł czas na ewaluację. W sumie w projekcie wzięło udział ponad sześćdziesięcioro uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych. Projekt trwał ponad pół roku, a wiele opóźnień (również samo rozpoczęcie projektu) wynikało z wdrożenia nowej zintegrowanej platformy ESEP (Europejska Platforma Edukacji Szkolnej). Na szczęście z upływem czasu pracowało się coraz lepiej, a podstawą współpracy była komunikacja między partnerami, która nie zawsze była łatwa ;) Dzięki pracy i zaangażowaniu partnerów projekt został zakończony, a poniżej możecie poznać wyniki ankiety ewaluacyjnej - odpowiedzi udzielali wyłącznie uczniowie. Komentarze uczniów trzech krajów partnerskich (z zachowaniem oryginalnej pisowni):

I think that it would be a better project if we had more comunication with the other countries, such us more videonconferences and also if they worked more on the project.
There should have been more comunication.
In my opinion, it's very long and sometimes boring because we spend so much time to do little things.
I really liked this project and I think it is a good opportunity to expand your horizons and practice English with students from different places.
I think it has been a really good experience, since I realised how important is English when communicating with people from other countries. If it wasn't for English, we would not have been able to do this project and to put our research together.
It is a good chance to meet new people from different countries and new cultures. Also, learn from them.
It is great to learn new things in a very different and interesting way
I think it was a good idea but also that it was so hard to communicate with the others and to work as a group, in most cases we had to work more.
The project gives the opportunity to talk with people from another countries so that would enrich our knowledge about their cultures
This proyects is a good way to learn more about different themes, but above all we could communicate with people from other countries, so that we can practise our english.
It is good for meet others
It was very interesting.
It was interesting because of the different cultures
I think is a good way to communicate with people, specially teenagers, from other countries.
I've enjoyed working with people outside of our usual group and culture.
Even though comunicating has been dificult sometimes, I feel that I've learned quite a lot from my partners. I look forward to participating in this kind of project whenever I have the oportunity to do so.
Although it was a good idea, the reluctance of other students to communicate with eachother made it frustratingly hard to work with them
I think it was a good way to learn to work as a group
Communication has been difficult and this has affected teamwork. But it’s still interesting
The project was very good but there were students who didn’t work
It’s was a very good project but I think that if all the countries was motivated it’s will be most funny.
It's a good opportunity that meet new students of different country
It was interesting expierience but i was excepeting something more
For me this is good project
i think that this project was really fun, we can talk to people from from other countries and get to know them.
Being in this project was a great experience
Etwinnig project was something new and I really enjoyed it. I gained new experiences and We had a lot of fun.
Only people who were interested should take part in it
The difficulties of communication is a big problem and it's why I didn't enjoyed it
I think this is a very good way to communicate with people from other countries, but you need to be more responsible
I think that project Etwinnig It’s okey. It was something new for me, I met new people
It was rather interesting for me but we had problems with communication with each other.
I think it's a really nice and innovative form of learning, but it's difficult to do it with the whole class. In my opinion it is better to do it rather in small groups, like a few people from each country. But the idea of the project is definitely amazing.
The receipt of the project higly depended on group, in which you were.
Our group was lacking proper and reliable communication ways.
it was a nice treat and i enjoyed it even though i wish we could get more overall interaction with groups from other countries
it was fine but with many people it was simply impossible to work with, communication was non-existent and people did not pay attention to the fact that we also had other activities and we just couldn’t met with them
It was a real challenge because as we were working with people from different countries we had a lot of problems with "matching" our schedules and not everybody understood that we are not living the same life. Also I didn't really enjoy the topic that I got to work on but that's only my personal issue. However the project turned out to look very nice.
In the project you can learn a lot about other countries, new words and work in groups. The disadvantage is a lot of confusion on videoconference and no communication.
I think it’s really cool experiment if you have a good organization, personally I think it depends on engagement teacher and students.
Disadvantage: poor contact with partners from abroad. Advantage: Expanding language skills, working in groups and working in Canwa
I think it was interesting subject comparing to regular ones
It was a very good project ??
The project was generally good, but lacks communication from some countries. There is a lack of video conferences as a whole. The project was fun and rewarding.
It was very good but there were people who didn’t work
It’s boring sometimes
I think it was interesting in some ways and I learned a few things but I didn't enjoy it that much
It was cool, we had to work hard, but it was different of "normal" class so it was interesting
It's nice but the communication it's difficult
It was great to be in contact of people in other countries and it helped to improve my english.
Data dodania: 2023-05-31 08:45:42
Data edycji: 2023-06-05 09:06:16
Ilość wyświetleń: 345


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